Wednesday, February 25, 2009

Make all pain disappear!

PICK anyone around us at random. Ask them how they feel. They will immediately report some pain or another. Doctors say that more than 70% of people suffer from lower back pain. This when they do not complain about headaches, stomach aches and other aches. 
    Do you know that pain has no positive existence? Pain, like darkness, has only negative existence. 
If we shine light onto darkness, it has to disappear. Same way, pain is caused by low energy darkness. It is low attentiveness. When we bring our attention to the pain, our energy to it, we will see that pain simply disappears. 
    Our concept of body pain is something new. It is the gap 
between our physical body and our mental body. It actually exists as the pain body between the physical body and the mind. If we live out of our body for a long time, as our mind wanders in fantasies and speculations, the gap increases. If the gap increases the strength of the pain body will also increase. If the gap is less we will see that the strength of the pain body also becomes less.This seems so simple. How then to reduce this gap? 
    If we continuously live in the ‘now’, the present moment, accept whatever that moment brings to us without resistance, we can reduce this gap. All we need to do is to bring the mind to 
where the body is, to the here and now. We need to live with awareness throughout the day, all the 24 hours. When we live in the present we will see two miraculous things happening to us. We will see that not only we don’t have pain, but we continuously experience bliss inside our being. 
    We get continuous bliss inside our system. Whatever pleasure we feel, whatever joy we feel in the 
form of pleasure, in the form of enjoyment is nothing but the reduction of the gap between the physical body and the mind. When the gap between our body and the mind is reduced, when we come to the present moment, we feel that pleasure. Whenever we do not live in the present moment we feel the pain. 
    There is a beautiful Zen saying, ‘bring your awareness to your body and to your pain, you will see that pain disappears’. Any pain will disappear. Not merely the physical pain but the emotional pain also. Physical pain and psychological pain are both nothing but unawareness. If we don’t live here and now, we will see that our pain body will be growing. The thickness of pain body will be growing. 
    Slow down. Take time to be in the present. This is the simplest meditation that can bring great rewards.

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