There is a village where 100 couples live. Every husband knows about every wife if she cheats on her husband, except about his own wife. There is an ancient tradition in the city: if a husband nds out that her wife cheats on him, he shall throw her into the creek in the following morning.
One day, a wanderer arrives in the village. After a few discussions with the men in the village, he calls the men together and states: \There is a woman in the village who cheats on her husband." Nothing happens after the frst 99 mornings. What will happen on the 100th morning?
The previous puzzle is not very dicult, so I disclose the solution. If you don't want to know it, stop reading here and skip this puzzle. You can return to it after you solved the previous one, or gave up thinking on it. In the 100th morning, every wife will be thrown into the creek, because then every husband nds out that his wife cheats on him. The interesting thing is that the wanderer stated something that had been known by every husband. How is it possible then, that this statement started this process?
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