Friday, May 1, 2009

Things You Should Check before Starting a Business

Tips You Should Remember Before Buying a Business


You have been notified about a business for sale. As a beginner you should always remember to check all the essential documents. Whether you are starting a business or purchasing a business, you should be aware about all the financial transactions made by the company. Major documentation will involve the information about the transfer of the business. A detailed report about all the assets of the company is absolutely essential.


As you purchase the business, all the assets of the company are transferred to your name, as you will be legally entitled to handle all the assets from now on. This is mainly done with the help of a master document which is known as Share Purchase Agreement or SPA. It is not easy to buy a business which has been put up in the market for sale. You will have to agree to all the terms and conditions and moreover signing the document involves a lengthy process. It might just take more time that you expect to complete all the legal formalities. ‘Conditions precedent’ is the term usually used for the documents that are to be completed before the proceedings of the business sale can take place. Until and unless the peripheral documents are signed, the SPA will not be effective.


Agreements are to be signed about the machinery, vehicles, land, stock or buildings which form an integral part of the business. All this will have separate agreements. The business also includes the right of the employees and intellectual property rights. You need to sign separate agreements which will include information about the fate of the employees. The time in between the leaving of the old owner and the joining of the new boss is known as the transition period. This time period is mutually decided by both the purchaser and the seller. Even after the new owners take control of the business, they generally retain the influential individuals or managers who are absolutely indispensable for the business. Before business sale, the terms and conditions under which these people will stay back has to be negotiated as part of SPA.


Most of these managers are retained for training new individuals. Transition period is crucial for any business sale, as this is time when the new boss gets acquainted with the way the business operates. He also gets to know his employees better. The customer’s database is regarded as a gold mine. It is better to get an assurance from the previous owner that he will not manipulate any customer contact for his own benefit. Assurance will be complete when the matter is settled in written terms. If you want to know about the various types of businesses for sale you can contact This is a kind of platform which acts an instrument for searching franchises and businesses for sale.

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